Code Compliance Certificate - Form 6
The Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) is the formal statement that the building work you carried out under the building consent complies with that building consent.
Apply for sign-off as soon as practical after completing the building work described in the building consent and any approved amendments or variations.
You should provide all the required documents on the building consent before you apply for CCC, to avoid RFIs for those documents.
When you create an application for CCC, Objective Build populates relevant data from the original building consent to your amendment, to save you time completing the amendment form.
There is no upload and attach documents step in this application, as all documents should be uploaded against the Required Documents on the parent building consent.
Steps in this form
Project completion captures the date of completion and confirms the general classification.
Legal description captures details of ownership of the property and legal description of the land.
Compliance schedule identifies the building’s specified systems and the inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures needed to keep them in good order.
People and Roles
People and roles adds participants, identifies those who have mandatory roles like Agent, Registered Owner and Invoice Payer, and manages the level of access they have to an application.
Licensed building practitioners identifies the licensed building practitioners (LBPs) who carried out any work on the project. Where appropriate, you must identify restricted building work (RBW) they carried out or supervised, including work completed under an owner-builder exemption.
Review summarises the information you have provided in previous steps and alerts you to any issues. You submit your application from this step.